This is my house. Knock on the door.

Wizard~senpai: Well well well, what's a cutie like you doing on my doorstep? Come on in, hehe.

Wizard~senpai: Welcome to my humble abode. Let's chill.

Dear Diary,
Today a girl in Roblox called me handsome. We were playing The Normal Elevator together and she started walking around me in circles, as if she was in orbit. I said to her "are you getting dizzy, m'lady?" And she said "lolzzz" so I said "I know, I'm so funny and handsome" and she said "ye :3"
Sadly, I then had to leave the game to go wash my hair since some people are coming over for dinner tonight. I'll miss that girl... my one true love...

Dear Diary,
I've felt so alone without GooberBoi on Movie Star Planet for the past month. I know he's my enemy, but I feel so dull without the conflict I have with him. I decided to message him, thinking he'd abandoned the account, saying I missed him. 43 seconds after I sent that message... HE'S ONLINE. HE JOINS BACK ONLINE?? I IMMEDIATLY START SAYING I WAS LYING AND I HATE HIM AND I WANT HIM DEAD. Then I see he's joined a chat room so I follow him and protect all the ladies he tries to talk to. He rage quits like a baby after the ladies choose me over him. Then I make a part two to the Wizard VS GooberBoi movie. I hope he sees it and cries.

Dear Diary,
I HATE Billy in Roblox. I had one bad experience with them in a Rap Battle game and now I despise them all. One kept saying something racist over and over so I said "Hey! Shut up!" And then all his other Billy friends started ganging up on me and just ramming into my character over and over! Any Billy reading this, you suck.

Dear Diary,
I think I have herpes. This morning I woke up with a spot on my lip... it was in the top left corner. I looked up herpes and my lip looks exactly like that but with just one spot without any yellow stuff. I think you can get really ill from herpes so if I don't update this blog in a while... something bad has happened.

Dear Diary,
Just found our herpes is an STD. I though it caught it the same way you caught other disseises, by being in the rain without your wellies. Sorry for anyone who was really worried for me... I think I'll be okay.

"Favourite sonic character and why?"

Knuckles because he has the most stupid name but most badass character. I might even go as far to say he's more badass than Shado- *gets shot in the head*

"minecraft is for BETA VIRGINS"

I want no part in this Minecraft war. Just let me play Terraria in peace.

"what's your top 3 series/movies?"

Red Dwarf, IT Crowd, and Peep Show... all British masterpieces.


"Your opinion on buffoonery?"

Glub I hate buffoons.

"who's your favourite vocaloid"

That VTuber fans went crazy for when he showed his eyes... so dreamy.


Dude I'd hit so many kids in that thing it's insane.